I’m writing this in bed in the middle of the night rather than sleeping on my parents sofa bed like I was last year. I couldn’t see them because of the virus and this Christmas period has been my least favourite in living memory.
But one thing’s for sure: Batman Returns is still the best Christmas movie of all time (and my all-time favourite as I mentioned in a previous post) and my good friend Dom Griffin made a brilliant bitesize review of Returns on his Armchair Auteur channel.
As Dom said, it’s messed up and the raunchiest Batman outing to date (Joel Schumacher’s renditions were more playfully camp before you say anything) but it works so well on all levels: cinematically, in character development, thematically, and with set designs. The fact that Batman didn’t need to be front and centre throughout the movie proves how good it was.
Anyway, let me not wax lyrical about it as Dom does a much better job in 5 minutes.
Stream his review below and subscribe, damnit! Oh, and Merry Christmas!