Hot meat cleaver seeking 10 lighters for fiery fun

EXPERIMENT Glowing 1000 degree MEAT CHOPPER vs 10 Lighters

I don’t know why this appeared on my YouTube recommended videos list, but it did and I am grateful. When you see a title like “EXPERIMENT Glowing 1000 degree MEAT CHOPPER vs 10 Lighters”, questions form in your mind. I had my own hypothesis of what would happen given the circumstances and I was happy to be proved right. There’s only one way this could have gone but I didn’t expect it to get that bad. As far as I can tell, nobody got seriously hurt but like the famous disclaimer says: don’t try this at home.

I cannot WAIT for the 1000 degree MEAT CHOPPER comes up against 10 sticks of TNT. Talk about an explosive match up!

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