America's Oldest Woman is Black and 116

hester ford

Hester Ford is America’s oldest person and on Saturday, she celebrated her 116th birthday in Charlotte, North Carolina.

As per reports, Hester was celebrated with a giant drive-thru celebration that included her family, beloved friends and members of her local community.

Her family usually throw her a big party each year, but due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic – and all the ensuing restrictions – this year’s bash was a little different.

Nevertheless, Hester turned 116 without plenty of pomp. In total she is said to have 12 children, 48 grandchildren, 108 great-grandchildren and around 120 great-great grandchildren.

The pandemic meant she couldn’t have the big party she usually does or go to church but that didn’t stop the celebrations.

To know a Black woman, who was born when Theodore Roosevelt was president, is still alive today and still enjoying life warms my lukewarm heart. Happy belated birthday, Hester!

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