Watch 4,000 films from the National Film Board of Canada for free

Home of the mounties, maple syrup, and indigenous people who deserve the land the nation ripped away from them, Canada is seen as the more neoliberal cousin of the USA (and let’s not get into indigenous rights for those guys).

But it’s divisive enough to insert the US into conversations about Canada. The country has its own identity and ways of living. The same can be said for its history in film, both homegrown and with actors of Canadian origin. In celebration of all that and to keep people entertained and occupied while they’re self-isolating, the National Film Board of Canada have made 4,000 films available to stream, free of charge “even for Americans”.

But it’s not just fictional films on offer. NFB has a range of documentaries, shorts, and animations to enjoy. That should keep you busy for the next <insert number of months we’re stuck in viral protective purgatory> months.

To whet your appetite, you can stream Volcano: An Inquiry into the Life and Death of Malcolm Lowry below, the Oscar-nominated documentary about novelist Malcolm Lowry and his magnum opus, Under the Volcano.

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