Pizza Hut pulled out all the stops in the 90s with their unorthodox commercials. But this was features a language from another planet!
Pizza Hut’s Klingon advert was the first full non-English advert on British television when it aired in 1994. While I don’t remember the advert from childhood, I do remember the promotional Star Trek cups that came with them because I had two (which, in hindsight, I wish I’d kept)!
If you plan on emulating this commercial and want to order a pizza in Klingon, here are some suggested phrases:
- nuvpu’ Qong (Deep pan, please)
- pagh latlh vIlegh’a’? (Can I have extra cheese?)
- ghorgh lutu’lu”a’? (Is the base gluten free?)
- ‘uQ’a’ (Meat feast)
- tlhIngan taHqeq chuS’a’Daq yIjaH?! (What do you mean the ice cream machine is broken?!)
jochqu’ ‘e’ yIHar or stream it below.