【무적 파워레인저】It's Morphin Time!! 마이티 몰핀 파워레인저 초합금혼 드래곤 시저 가지고 놀자~☆★ 恐竜戦隊ジュウレンジャー 超合金魂 ドラゴンシーザー
This came up as a recommended YouTube video and it’s right up my street, having loved Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as a kid. Here, we see the original Dragonzord, the Dragonzord Battle Mode, and the Mega Dragonzord at the end. I never had these toys but I loved seeing them in all their glory in this video.
Speaking of toys and Power Rangers: watch Toy Galaxy’s video on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie