Interesting Engineering covered 15 of the best LEGOⓇ sculptures ever created including the tallest LEGO tower in the world in Israel, LEGOland swapping their general manager’s car for a LEGO replica car, and a giant LEGO robot from the US:
Amount of LEGO pieces used: 2.8 Million Bricks
Location: Minnesota Mall of America
Called Herobot Nine Thousand, this robot sculpture is one of the most impressive LEGO structures of all time. It stands at about 38ft (11.6 meters) and weighing in at 6 tons it’s a real testament to the talent of its builders.
Frankly, you’d be amazed it isn’t the ‘Real McCoy’.
LEGOⓇ related: Arndt Schlaudraff, the LEGO® brutalist and Ekow Nimako’s Afrofuturistic LEGO® universes