This is the tag page for articles featuring videos on Cultrface. Most of the videos are from YouTube and offer a variety of visual wonders to laugh at and learn from. Some videos are from Vimeo (a platform I prefer). Either way, these videos are for you to enjoy so do that!
When Joanne the Scammer Visited Britain

Possibly The First Ever Cat Video From 1894?
2 polyglots have an awesome chat in 21 languages
Trump Has Always Been Trash, But Here's A Pizza-Related Example From 1995
Mies van der Rohe's Barcelona Pavilion (Documentary)

The Minimalists + the art of letting go Can See the Future
The Hateful Eight's Homage To The Thing
The Atlantic Remember Black Postmodern Artist Barkley L. Hendricks

Get Out: Black Solidarity and Knowing the Code